Wednesday, September 29, 2010


hOohOo..ermm acam ase dh lame xupdate..but.. ta de la lme no!ad la dlm 1 week kowt!huahuahua..
i'm totally out of mind lol!rndu nk update blog but ta ley nk update..ngee!sengal!cz of today last bln september so dgn my own initiative i nk update this blog! (cm gedik ckit )
skunk nie diriku ni amatla aku yg sengaja membusykn dri.... 

assignment + mid-term + koko =?##**(*~*)..urghh...suck..suck..suck...
coz of busy sgt2..smpai most my mid-term kiok kowt..lalalalalala..tataw cne nk wt..klu my mom n my dad taw..konfem kecewa bangat sama aku..adoi...sabar..sabar..lps assignment ciap..trus test menyusul..lps test abes..trus assignment dtg..ble assignment pegi..test dtg blek..ta taw npe JELES  sgt ngan all my grup membe..jum2..wt siap pnjam sume kaki && tangan && otak anda..huhuuh..da xsnggup jd zOmbi..t zombi kt Malaysia ni x ley cri mkn sbb kte..kui3..opss! pnt ak miskol xdep org angkt (pnaz shout!) hahahaha..sori2...syok ngah lyn belog! got to go~! mam beso dh mrh..see ue blog..luv ue BELOG..muah..muah..muah

      p/s :to my mom and my dad..dun wori..t awa pulun abes final nie..hahahaha(^_^)
    **** zqa,jida,finaz,zaza,acoi,tengku n syam!
         >jum buat assignment smpai ciap..

Monday, September 20, 2010

first class !!

kringgg.....tepat jam 8.o0 a.m..this is first klas lps rye break!urgh.. business economy lak gilaa nk pg...p pape pom kne pg gk..klu x t kehadiran zerO! btw kelas start agk lmbt ley rr wt prepare pe yg ptt..especially  
mule2 cm blur gk ble msk kelas uh..but wt slumber jep..wt cm ready sume,,kui3...nasib baik lecturer suh wt group work (part plg ak suke) xde la cm lost sgt dlm kelas td..huhuhu..nk jd kn cter pnye la RAYA sakan..smpai the last lesson dlu trpkse kne recall blek..aduss!..but i still vague about it! oh, no!..its so sucks!..
thanks GOD lecturer xready ag wif mid-term mark ritu..klu x adoi..tataw nk describe feelin' tyme 2..bley gugur kowt jantung ( gebang je lbey )..papepom..say thanks a lot rr tk lecturer td cz sudi ajr blek..agagaga... economy..l.y.s.m!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

rAyA oh RaYa !!

selamat hari raya
erm..sdey jep ble its already ends!
hurm..kazen2 pom sume dh blah blek uma msing2..
miss them so strong!kuang3x..
best kowt ble can spending a time wif diowg..
hang-out sme2..laugh together..played together
best gilaa..

bIskut oh bIskut
now we talk about cOokies..this eid there's a lot of cOokies..
dunno why..still ad ag kt dpur uh!(mcm xdep org nk mkn)
so..becoz i'm so generous person..
i'll bring some biskut tk my fren..
to all my fren wait ya!
biskut dtg sox!

anyway..RAYA thn nie bese jep..xbest sgt..tataw npe..
dh la bju RAYA cm ntah pe2..(cun sgt2)
duet RAYA pom..ckit jep dpt..xbest
getting bored wif all these things!

but....becoz of RAYA oh ad la snap photo ckit2..
and i juz put into my blog..hehehe

huhuhu..thats my bro and my lil sist
thats my dad!huhuhu..first dwet rye..

hahaha..bnci pic lil sist taller than me!urghh!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


fuhh!lastly dpt gk ad blog..before this asyik bce yg owg je..kui3...
act. ak wt blog nie juz nk isi mse rr..ak dh deactive fb..
reason why deactive fb..erm,..tataw npe..myb dh lme sgt men fb..
going bored wif that things!

huhuhu..agpom ak nk gk start blogging..mne taw syOk!
ye life we must try sumthim bwu enjoy wif hidup!
like people said...
" life is something that everyone should try at least once "
for thOse yg xske wif my blog..
ue'll can juz get off..
hEhEhE..(evil laugh)