what's up!lme xupdate an..kui3...nevermind!..juz nk share why the title is like that..act there's nothin' happen...
i'm just pretendin' to be sad on that day..huuhu..
Saturday, 16th October 2010..last day dk kt uma before i fly back to Nilai..pg to i need to set up all my work..cri info about budget 2011...urghh...( that's not a simple thing! ), print all my notes!..huhuhu..around kul 12 p.m i siap wt sume keje uh..then, cpt2 ciap kua pg bli brg yg membe tmph tk bwk blek..huhuhu..nseb baik my sist ni rela nk tmnkn..huhuhu..tengs a lot..kui3..dlm kul 2.30 i smpai uma..dengan cepatnye kms2 brg cz kul 3.30 dh kne pg airport! ouch! i really hate this kind of situation.( kne cepat-cepat ).adoiii..
At airport,
sedey sgt..cz juz my mom yg hantar..my dad xde cz pg Gua Musang have some work to do..ye la..keje ag penting an..huk3...dlm kul 4.30 ptg, dh kne boarding so i'm juz saying goodbye to my mom..huhuhu..sedey sgt2..sob3..tyme dk sje2 smbl tggu flight smpai..tbe2...kring2..my phone was ringing..tup2 my dad call..tbe2 lps ckp ngan my dad air mataku bergenang..hahahah..trus jtuh kt c2 jgk..nseb baik xdep org nmpk cz i ddk agk tersorok..hak3..it's funny ryte??pk2 blek..aduh..malu kowt!p agk sdey la cz my dad ciap ley say sorry cz xdpt hntr..ouch..xpena pom my dad say sorry to me..cewah!!...a few minutes later,..my flight dh landin' so need to go..huhu....
In flight,
adoi..ni satu ag bnde yg xley lupe.hahahah..its so embarrasing me..i felt very sheepish at that time..ouch! malu..malu...malu..sgt2..its start when i nek flight tue..i jln la cri seat..before that kne ltk brg dlu..unfortunately, my brg was agk jauh dri my seat..but is ok..xkesa pom..pnye la smgt..i cri my seat..tup2 i nmpk hrf 'F' i thought thats my seat..but at the same line ad 1 couple nie tp diorg nie foreigner la..so i mtk la nk msk ke dlm an..bcoz my seat tepi tingkt,.kui3...suddenly, tgh i khusyuk bce komik..someone tgur i and said
"it is your seat?? ".. 27F???
OMG....time tue xtaw nk wtpe..dgn pntasnye i amk my pass and tgk blek my seat..hak3...aduss! truly i mmg tertukar seat...adoi..malu sgt2.( rase cm nk menyorok je kt dlm kabin uh! ).smpai kena gelak ngan 2 org mat salleh tue.. time tue hanya Tuhan la taw betapa malunye.kui3...ble tgk blek my pass 2 actually my seat was 26F..in front of it..luckily, nasib baik that guy tue baik sgt..dye ckp is ok..dye ley ddk ky my seat and i juz stay at his seat.kui3..that time jgk i xbrhenti say sorry kt dye,,hahahaha..lawak la rse..tue la first time xcident yg pena jd in my life ble i nek flight..
dlm kul 6.00 p.m i smpai la kt lcct...naib baik finaz and keyna baik aty nk jemput i..ciap bwk limo ag aw...pe la klu bkn kancil cik qila tersyg! ( sorila lupe lak no kete )..lps tue kami bershoppin' kt giant cz stok mknn dh byk abes dong!!..after that, smpai je kt nilam..ciap2 sume..trus i menuju ke alam fantasi..hahahaha...so! itula kesahku pd hari itu..ad yg nk ingt n ad yg xnk ingt langsung...suke ad duke ad mlu pom ad..hahahaha..
but nevermind..itula idup kn2???smpai jumpe lg ek..bubyE!!
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