Sunday, November 20, 2011


today's mood!
* bz wif midterm + assignment

to-do list for today 
* study costing (midterm wei)
* wt assignment math (klu sempat)

p/s : ntah jd ke x..hurm

adoi..merepek again..
morning sickness xoxo

Monday, June 13, 2011

cerita suka dan gembira saya

actually xtaw nk tulis pe.
i want to write something jugaa!
date : 12/6/2011
day : sunday
 mood ; hari yang amat memenatkn saya!huh!
tp saya amat happy..

mengapakah??hurmm aku merepek nie..
bile nk story-mory nie..

first ; why i'm so tired on the that day..
                      bcoz 2 events happen on the same day..

explorace + dinner

sigh ; penat !

time explorace :
gaye cam sy lari je an..pdhl i'm just standing and waiting,,
sbb sy hanyalah jage checkpoint jep..
bukan lari pom..
sape kate jage checkpoint x penat ??
angkt tgn cm sy..
penat aw...lebih2 ag bile tyme we have to think about the game and what the punishment !!
urghh..( mcm nk pecah pale aje )
lps tue bile nk bg briefing about the game,..
amat la susa,..
ape-ape pom..
explorace kali ni mmg best..
gempak abes..

credited to : azam, wan and aini

p/s : for those yg kene minum air yg kami wt tue..
sori sgt2...btw best je kn air tue??

dinner tyme !

although xde la grand mane tp best jep..
gempak jep...
and tema classic tue mmg best abes la..
sume org pkai..adoi..
glamor abes la...
mcm2 gaye...
yg laki sume ensem2.. (  hensem ke?? )
yg pompuan mmg cun gilaxx!
and one more thing..
saya balek uma dgn perasaan yg sangat-sangat happy..
secret !
( hanya aku dan dia yg tahu )

ok la..cukup2 la uh merepek..membebel an..
bukan ad org nk bace pom...
* hope ad org bace la ek

so..utk kenangan an..
sy upload la beberape pics..
yg mmg meletop abess!!

wif budak-budak group..( sume cun )
*xcept yg pink uh !

 before makan kite snap dlu ye!

 ada gaya macam calon gadis melayu x ?

 semua senyum..

apabila kesengalan kami terselah

thats all
story ends here !!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

hepi burfday

today nk wt special post about my mom..
today is my mom's birthday..


let me introduce my mom first.
this is my mom..!
tada !!

masturah mohammed
married with my dad
children : 5 only (xmao tmbh ag)
keje : cikgu a.k.a ustazah
ibu saya sangat2 la garang tp penyayang..
selalu marah kami adek-beradek..
selalu bg kami duit..hahaha
suke cubet kami
suke rotan kami pakai hanger..( ouch..sakit kowt)
sebab kami sangat-sangat la nakal..

whoever you are..
you're only the one..
the best mom in the world..
so.. kami sebagai anak-anak ibu yg ensem ag cun..
wanna wish..

Saturday, April 23, 2011

love vs like ??

mood :
tension-tension study + mata dh kuyu2 = ngantok !
fenim-fenim..tataw nk tulis pe...
action :
 ngah main klik2 link jep..tbe2..umphh
   jmpe bnde alah ni..trus copy..coz tbe2 ase cm nk update blog..
( but i'm not the copy-cat person lol !! )
cme nk share..okaii! 
like people said..

" sharing is caring "
betol ke ?

love vs like

In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster
But in front of the person you like , you get happy.

In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring
But in front of the person you like, winter is just a beautiful winter.

If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you blush
But if you look into the eyes of the one you like, you smile.

In front of the person you love, you can' t say everything on your mind
But in front of the person you like, you can.

In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy
But in front of the person you like, you can show your ownself.

Then person you love comes into your mind every 2 minutes.
You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you love
But you can always smile into the eyes of the one you like.

When the one you love is crying, you cry with them
But when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting.

The feeling of love starts from the eye
And the feeling of like starts from the ear.

So if you stop liking a person you used to like
All you need to do is cover your ears,
But if you try to close your eyes
Love turns into a drop of tear and remains in your heart forever after.

p/s :
 i prefer to be the person you like rather than to be the person you loved
how about you guys ??
which one would you prefer ??
to be loved ?? or to be liked ??

coretan :
sje nk bg awk bersalah !

Saturday, April 2, 2011

mood :
tatau nk tulis pe.
tp gtl nk tulis..
 oh! pliz..write something!

saya benci awak !!

that's all..
ends here !

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

semuanya BILA AWAK...!!

bila awk
kata awk baik..
sy suka syukur..
kwn sy dh jd baik...

bila awk
keep sayin' bnde yg totally dh lps...
sy xsuke..
cz its like ue wouldn't forgive me...

bila awk....
 do something which is hurt to me...
mmg sy benci..
sy still anggap awk kwn terbaik sy...

bila awk..
ignore je saya dpn awk..
ok fikir..
ue didn't see me.. 

bila awk...
ad probs nga si DIA..
sy still ley dgr mslh awk..
in fact, still wanna be ur listener..

bila awk...
 don't want to be my listener..
sy faham...
awk xsuka dgr mslh org..

bila awak...
buat sy semua ni....
sy mcm nk nangis dan sedih..
mcm anggap sy ni xde perasaan...


bila awk..
 TERbace post ni..
hope awk bley fikir..
yg awk ni tol2 baik ke?? 
buat2 baik...

bila awk... nk awk taw..
pape pom awk wt kt saya..
saya xpena nk benci awk...
sy still sayang awk..
sy still akn aggp awk kwn TERbaik sy..

bila awk..
suka..gelak guling-guling 
bace bnde ni..
awk mmg xde perasaan bersalah..

bila awk...
sedih and sedar nga pe yg awk buat..
sy taw..awk msh aggp sy kwn awk..
and akn trus BERkwn ngan sy..

apa2 pom..
sy nk mintak maaf byk2 kalau 
saya ad wt salah kt awk..
kita an manusia..
xpena terlepas dr kesilapan..

p/s  :  people say you can forgive but can't forget..BUT..actually you still can't forgive either forget !

Sunday, March 6, 2011

kisah saya, awak, dan dye!

8.00 a.m
me : uiks, cne nk mndi nie...air tade la..
awk : la..tade air lagi ke? cne nk mndi nie..

p/s : hostel life! so miserable..asyik tade air jep..but xpena pg kuliah xmndi..okeyy!

9.30 a.m
me : oit..ak dh ciap..jum pg kampus..
awk : hahahaha..dtg bilik ak dulu..xciap ag...

p/s : ni la pompuan..take tyme klu nk for me too! same jep..huhuhu

10.00 a.m- di fakulti fst
me : okeey!dh smpai...jum jln2 cni dlu..
awk : erm..jum....

p/s : pompuan!mmg suke brjln..hahahah

kisah baru brmula...
 rini..ak tumpang happy for my fren cz yesterday was her first date wif her beloved bf!hurm..
jeles ckit.
almost 6 months diorg kapel..n juz cntct tru fon..finally..that day come over...huhuhu...but!! xsuke bf dye.hahaha..first kitowg jmpe..dh ptt dye kate sy ni menyibok!eei..ingt org nk sgt ke jln nga dye uh! tlg la..xlari mne pom awek awk tue..awek awk kwn sy jgk..ntah2 ag syg sy dri last i just give them the chance to dating! len kali ni more ek...huhuhu

p/s :
         to that guy - jage kwn sy syg dye
         to that girl - i'm happy for ue my dear..snyum je memanjang!



susa bile nk suh org phm kite..
but then...
sume jd xbtol...
evrything jd messy!

i'm human too la...
kalau dh xnk kwn..
okeyy! fine!!
jgn kwn...
baik jgn kwn dr at last!
jd lwn jugak....
stop la being childish!!
be matured la..
gado2..bkn dpt pape...
wt saket aty jgk...
dri korang dk ngate blkg2..
meh cni..ckp dpn2..
dun be too coward la..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


this week a lil bit busy..
so..can't focus on blog or anything else..
just thinkin' bout assignment..presentation..

like people said...

i will be this kind of person..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

what the .....!!!

seyesly..saket aty gler...
what the ....!! 
bnci kot...
npe la dlm dunia nie ada those people yg cmni...
totally..mmg menyaketkn hati..!

nurnasuha najwa..SABAR!

story ends here..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

new semester , new life !!!

sorry for the long time not updating this blog...
truly that i'm not such a blogger freak!!!
nway..let's start our day !! semester!!
ouch...a lil bit messy for the beginning..
but now its already stable..wah!!
why not...
i got new subject, new lecturer, n so on....
campus life it so dramatic!!

this semester i have to take about 19 credit hours!
a lot ryte??huh!
but nevermind!
i still can go on wif it....

i think that's all..
coz i got to go...a lot assignment to do...
see ue next tyme...