Monday, June 13, 2011

cerita suka dan gembira saya

actually xtaw nk tulis pe.
i want to write something jugaa!
date : 12/6/2011
day : sunday
 mood ; hari yang amat memenatkn saya!huh!
tp saya amat happy..

mengapakah??hurmm aku merepek nie..
bile nk story-mory nie..

first ; why i'm so tired on the that day..
                      bcoz 2 events happen on the same day..

explorace + dinner

sigh ; penat !

time explorace :
gaye cam sy lari je an..pdhl i'm just standing and waiting,,
sbb sy hanyalah jage checkpoint jep..
bukan lari pom..
sape kate jage checkpoint x penat ??
angkt tgn cm sy..
penat aw...lebih2 ag bile tyme we have to think about the game and what the punishment !!
urghh..( mcm nk pecah pale aje )
lps tue bile nk bg briefing about the game,..
amat la susa,..
ape-ape pom..
explorace kali ni mmg best..
gempak abes..

credited to : azam, wan and aini

p/s : for those yg kene minum air yg kami wt tue..
sori sgt2...btw best je kn air tue??

dinner tyme !

although xde la grand mane tp best jep..
gempak jep...
and tema classic tue mmg best abes la..
sume org pkai..adoi..
glamor abes la...
mcm2 gaye...
yg laki sume ensem2.. (  hensem ke?? )
yg pompuan mmg cun gilaxx!
and one more thing..
saya balek uma dgn perasaan yg sangat-sangat happy..
secret !
( hanya aku dan dia yg tahu )

ok la..cukup2 la uh merepek..membebel an..
bukan ad org nk bace pom...
* hope ad org bace la ek

so..utk kenangan an..
sy upload la beberape pics..
yg mmg meletop abess!!

wif budak-budak group..( sume cun )
*xcept yg pink uh !

 before makan kite snap dlu ye!

 ada gaya macam calon gadis melayu x ?

 semua senyum..

apabila kesengalan kami terselah

thats all
story ends here !!